The End of the Year

Annie Lundgren
1 min readDec 23, 2020


As work wraps for the holidays, we naturally start to plan for and dream of next year. Trips, events, strategies, new films, career growth, and getting organized.

Phoenix, Oregon still has some life in it, and we’ll see that through. Theatrical-At-Home is still chugging along with basically the same features and foundation as when it began in March 2020. It could use some dusting off, upgrades and automations.

After mostly remote work this year, we dream of being on set again. Gary will do some filming January through March for clients, I’ll continue remote producing, and then later this year, maybe we’ll get another project off the ground.

In the meantime, we’re still moving into our new home, unpacking boxes, pruning, fixes gates and fences, and “getting organized” once and for all.

I feel apprehension and anxiety as 2021 barrels towards us — an internal war of cautious optimism and desire vs. dismay and exhaustion. Between hope this year’s grief will end and fear that it won’t.

♡ Annie

Originally published at on December 23, 2020.



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