Swimming in Ones and Zeros

Annie Lundgren
Nov 10, 2020


Between the three of us, we spent about 25 hours online today with 15 hours on web conferences — including Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans, Skype, and MS Teams. Yep, we used all five in one day.

I laugh because just eight months ago, we went to great lengths to avoid too much time online — especially for our teen. But now, work plus social plus school is all online.

Not every day is as chaotic as today. Almost every day, we head outdoors to walk or work in the garden.

I’m finding the outdoors more critical than ever for my well-being. In a way, I may not have found this without covid and the intensity of online-life as my teachers.

The screens have pointed me back to the dirt, plants, and trees — forcing me outdoors to breathe and ground before swimming again in ones and zeros.

So… for this I am thankful. Thank you covid for pushing me back outdoors.

♡ Annie

Originally published at http://www.jomafilms.com on November 10, 2020.

