John King For The Win

Has everyone been watching the results as I have? It’s fascinating. I love data, numbers, process and systems. And now, I really love John King and his magic board. I hope the memes for that guy go down in history. He’s a star. Maybe he already was a star, but I haven’t watched much TV in over ten years, so I didn’t know of him previously. After being away from TV for so long, I have a hard time listening to most of the folks covering the count. It’s all so dramatic. After flipping around the networks, I keep landing back on King. All numbers, no commentary.

However this ends up, I do think we’ll be ok. I’ve always dreamed of a future 200 years from now. One I won’t see but one that we impact, even if we don’t see the path while in the midst of chaos.

I believe that as a nation, even as we struggle, together we continually move towards goodness and love.

Like a massive ball of writhing bodies, not knowing how to connect but to fight.

But in our fighting and tangling and reaching for one another, we inadvertently roll the ball together towards better. Over decades and centuries. Not just 4 years or 8 years. But for forever. For me that’s enough.

I envision that future, and it gives me eternal peace.

But even so, I pray for immediate peace, for a nation’s peace.

♡ Annie

Originally published at on November 5, 2020.

