I Love Tech & Tools ♡
Technology has always enticed — ever since second grade when Mrs. Lantz taught typing, her 90 wpm fingertips clacking the keys of a brand new, green-on-black Apple IIe.
Today I dove further into ShortStack and have to say… I love it! I could lose myself in feature exploration for days (weeks…) “One day only,” I promised myself.
When we released Calvin Marshall, I dreamed of programs to capture user-generated content, even considering coding my own. Now with ShortStack, a few clicks, and I have two campaigns set up and ready to go.
Here is a sneak peek of each:
Perfect 300 Challenge — https://phoenixoregonmovie.com/300
The first 300 ticket holders in each of the opening weekend theaters are eligible to receive a complementary downoad of the movie upon digital release Summer 2020. Get your tickets and then claim your copy at the link above!
#myphoenixstory — https://phoenixoregonmovie.com/myphoenixstory
Over the next few months, we will curate stories to share on Phoenix, Oregon’s social media pages. Check it out and please consider sharing. We’d love to hear from you!
I had so much fun learning this new technology that I will probably go back and create that Calvin Marshall page I could only dream of ten years ago!
♡ Annie
Originally published at http://www.jomafilms.com on February 22, 2020.